List Your Farm or Local Food Business

Online Vancouver Island Farms & Food Map Listing

List your farm or local food business on Vancouver Island's largest searchable Farms & Food Map and online Farms & Food Directory. Your listing includes a profile page about your farm or business, and searchable products on the map at

For farms and food producers (businesses that grow, raise, or produce from local sources) on southern Vancouver Island (from Victoria to Campbell River), including Alberni Valley, Salt Spring Island, Gabriola Island, and Denman and Hornby Islands.

To list or update your farm or food business, fill out the form below.

If you have any questions, please contact us at .

Check all that apply to your farm or food production business:

Attractions at your farm or food business:

Farm or Food Business Description (up to 50 words):


Select all that your farm or business raises or produces from local sources.



Fruit, Nuts & Edible Seeds




Dairy & Eggs

Meat & Poultry

Fish & Seafood

Wine, Beer, and Specialty Items

Plants & Flowers

Compost & Fertilizer
